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  • jgamroth


This came to me as a “drop” this morning... He has done this before where I am just doing something mundane and I get a download... so I decree: “Rise up sons! Rise up and take your place! Rise up sons! His glory shines upon your face! This is the time, this is the hour when the sons of God move in His Power! Rise up sons! Rise up! For such a time as this, we’re here to take down the fowler. No more traps and no more snares will catch any of us unawares, This is the time, this is the hour, That the sons of God arise in His Power. So arise sons of the Most High God, and take your stand, Under the shadow of His Hand,And we will fall the giants in our land. The Blood of our King cries from its stead: “Forgiven! Restored! Mercy to the ones who accept my death!” His Love has prevailed, He is our Bread, That we cast upon the waters of the seas and call the nations to what they are called to be. This is our time,this is our purpose to shine His Light so that the world may see, that it is in Him, that they have their destiny! So rise up sons and proclaim His Victory!” Friends, for such a time as this we can be like Esther,who heard the call upon her life even when faced with the possibility of defeat and death. We can choose to come under the sheltering wings of the Most High God and find our refuge in this hour. In His presence we can be strengthened with joy unspeakable and have our minds renewed and cleansed from the fear that is in the world. As we immerse ourselves in His presence and in His counsel, laying our ear upon His chest, we can sync our hearts with His. We can be filled with the Peace that is beyond understanding and shift the atmosphere over and around us by remaining in His Peace. We are told to arise and shine in His Light,He will guide our steps. We can carry the torch to be His Light shining brightly in the darkness that is in this present day,we can be the city on the hill that everyone sees. We can offer the hope that we have in relationship with Him to help others navigate their way. TOGETHER as ONE Body, we can see His Kingdom come in greater measure than ever before. We are not alone, He is our very present help in our time of need. Let's give Him all the honour that He deserves and exalt His Name above all other names. "Jesus, thank You for laying down Your life for us. Thank You for becoming the curse so that we could be free from its hold in our lives. We thank You for every opportunity to enforce Your victory that You won for us over death, hell and the grave. You arose from the grave in the Power of LIFE and are interceding for us now from the highest place of authority over all creation. We thank You for Your mercy, it endures forever. We thank You for your grace, it is sufficient for every need each day. We stand fast in who You are and in who You are calling us to be in this hour! We say we lean in to you and we resist all temptations to fear. We choose FAITH. We choose HOPE. We choose LIFE. We choose LOVE! Amen." Friend if you do not yet know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, pray now to receive Him. He is truly for you and not against you, He loves you no matter what. ~Jane (


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