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  • jgamroth

Being Thankful for Discouragement

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

WORDS! We use them everyday. We hear them everyday. Question: How often do we take the time to consider the words we speak before releasing them? How often do we consider what we are listening to? Answer: Probably not as often as we need to.

Words spoken or heard or read have the potential within them to create things, to provoke things,to break through things and to halt things. There is a power behind every word.

DISCOURAGEMENT? I recently had someone send me a written word of...should I say... a warning? It was about something in my own life from their perspective of how they thought something might turn out. This is a person I have trusted and shared my heart with many times. This time however, their words felt way off! It felt like the spirit or the power behind it was one of fear and not wisdom or love. So how did I respond to this word you may ask?

NO!!! Internally I immediately said NO to that word as I read it. Then after the initial shock at what I was reading,I laughed and said NO! NO! NO! outloud to the text.

I found myself laughing because, I realized that I had already settled in my heart what I was believing about the situation. God and I had already talked and what He says ALWAYS carries the most weight for me. When these words came from this person,without invitation, God's Word met them at the door of my mind and I KNEW they could come no farther.

I am actually thankful now that that word of discouragement came because the contrast was so strong I now believe even more, in what The Lord had already told me.

MANY WORDS AND VOICES There are alot of voices and opinions in the world but there is only One that speaks from Pure Truth and Pure Love. Jesus is the Voice of Truth.

He has said that temptations will come to us in this world along with trails and difficult things but IN relationship with Him we can overcome. We can lean into Him and resist that troubling spirit that is in the world, even when it comes through another person.

FORGIVE! Yes, we DO need to be forgiving when a friend messes up or a family member says something out of order or from a place of fear or misunderstanding. Yes, we DO need to forgive ourselves when we let some of those negative discouraging words occupy our minds.

Thankfully we can begin again. We can renounce those words' power and disconnect from them. We can determine to do better next time, learn from our own mistakes and from the mistakes of others.

TAKE EVERY WORD TO... My encouragement to you is to take every word and thought to God.

Find out what He says about a matter or about a word or thought.

Test the thoughts and words with HIS WORD! Does what is coming to you align with His Word ? Is it kind? Is it God's Truth? Is it helpful? Is it loving? Does it promote God's Peace? It might be a word to be left on a back burner for another time? Or it might be a word immediately for the trash? The point is that God knows. He is with us by His Spirit to help us sort things out. In intimacy with Him we will learn and come to know what is good and what is not. Go ahead and ask Him to fill you with His Truth. Ask Him to be your Helper.

Ask Him to be The Protector of your heart.

He is here to help us "guard the gates" to our mind so we can think on good things and produce good things in our lives.

Proverbs 4:23 says: "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

Luke 6:45 says:"The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart."

As a Christian Life Coach I help people just like you in the process of sorting what they are thinking on. Holy Spirit is invited into every conversation.



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