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  • jgamroth

Head or Heart? Soul or Spirit?

We live in a world where dominance and competition are driving forces.

In the beginning, when mankind was given a mandate, we were told to subdue the earth and make it come under our God-given authority. We were told to make it produce and multiply, according to the design and intention of the Master Creator.

That task started off well but then went sideways into destruction, when mankind decided to stray from the original directions and the perfect plan and go their own way.

"Survival of the fittest, conquer or be conquered" became a common driver.

Here we are thousands of years later and most of humanity is still trying to do things in their own way.

Most of us lean into our own understanding and listen to the ways of the world.

We base our decisions on the structures and mindsets that we have embraced and act on them.

We build upon and build upon these man made structures; securing and reinforcing, believing and hoping it doesn't all fall apart; and yet we are.


Piece by piece. Little by little. The further we go down this road that we have chosen, the further we get from the Perfect Plan.

We have stopped at places called Delusion and Pride along the way. We have drank from the fountain of I Can Do All Things Myself. We have eaten from the tree called Bitterness and Envy. More and more, our understanding of what is True Reality and what is illusion, has become distorted.


We have shut the ears of our heart/spirit and we have opened the ears that are connected to the mind of the soul. We have tuned out the Voice of Pure Truth and we have tuned into the voice of lower subjective reasoning. What a catastrophic mistake that has been and continues to be for those who have not woken up to the Truth.

We have really missed the mark and we are still paying the consequences from generation to generation. We continue to pass the twisted guidance and self reliance through our bloodlines. By demonstration and by believing the lie that 'we can still do this life on our own' ,many don't even realize that we need saving, from ourselves. We need help to hear again. We need our hearts to wake up.


Stop and consider that there is a higher and better way, a most excellent way than doing it your way. There is a way that is redemptive and able to get us, get YOU, back on the road of original intention.

Stop long enough to enter into the posture where you can 'hear' and know the way you are to go, where you don't have to strive and toil for answers and direction.

Stop long enough to see that there is ANOTHER path, a path less travelled but will be illuminated if you will choose to see in a new way.

Stop long enough to hear The Voice that says that you are accepted and celebrated without having to prove yourself, as the world demands.


The ears of your spirit are wired to receive the highest form of communication. *

Our spirit's ears are meant to be CONNECTED to the Holy Spirit, the Voice of our Creator.

The only way we can have these ears reopened and reconnected is to tune into The TRUTH.

The Truth is that you are loved unconditionally even though you have been apart from God.The Truth is that He wants to be in relationship with you. The Truth is all you have to do is admit that you need Him and that you want Him to be the Forgiver and Leader of your life.

Apart from Him, we will eventually fall flat on our faces deflated and without Life, without satisfaction, without a hope and a secure future.** With Him we have renewed Hope and New Life.


A key to living an abundant life is to STAY in listening mode. Get in the habit of keeping your ears tuned to "God's frequency."

Listening less with the ears of your soul's understanding and listen a whole lot more with the ears of your Heart/Spirit, is a daily discipline, but oh so rewarding.

As we heed His Voice, we will know the way we are to go. He will direct our path and even if we slip off of it. He will kindly pick us up, dust us off and help us to begin again. We can TRUST Him to lead us continually.

HOW DO WE HEAR? His Voice is in His Word, the Holy Bible.

His Voice is in the quiet whisper of Love in the core of your spirit.

His Voice is communicated to you in the way that He knows that you will listen.

His Voice is one of Perfect Peace and Assurance.***


We are allowed to enjoy the adventure, leaning into the ups and downs and unexpected turns and detours. Learn to be okay with making some mistakes along the way. Learn to laugh more and cut yourself some breaks when you mess up, because we all do as we mature. Choose to be a lifelong learner and let Him make you a master at life. Draw on God's strength to go through each day. He is our strong covenant partner if we have given our life over to Him.


God sees all and knows all, nothing is hidden from His sight. He will work all things out for good as you love Him and yield to Him. Life may look different than you imagined but in the long run, He redeems everything, even the stuff that is tragic and hard to understand.

As you continually trust in God and not lean on your own reasoning and understanding, He will help you to LIVE ALIVE from your spirit. Your heart will never be the same as you unite with His. This is where the Full Life is; the Best Life is in relationship with Him.

If you need some coaching along the way, I am here to listen with you.


(*We are spirit beings first and foremost. We are created in the image of God who is Spirit. We have been given a soul that is uniquely bent to think and process, feel and connect emotionally and decide how to respond to our environment and to others.

However, the soul is to be under the leadership and counsel of the Perfect Wisdom of the Spirit of God. It was created to be a communicator but not the controller of the person. When mankind went their own way, the soul became prideful and dominant and rebelled against being in any kind of relationship and yielding to God. The soul of man became twisted with a desire for self rulership. The first few chapters of Genesis in the bible explain what happened. Unless we are reunited with our Creator, our soul will continue to dominant and be led by ungodly things and ideas.

Then there is our earthly bodies that are along for the ride, receiving consequences and repercussions of the soul and spirit's decisions. Our bodies need restoring to right order just like our soul and spirit do.)


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