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  • jgamroth

How Still is Still?

How still is still? I have been contemplating the verse that says "Be STILL and KNOW I am God." (Psalm 46:10) I know that our body's physical cells vibrate constantly. How literal does He mean this command? Stop breathing? Stop thinking? How can I be still if the "good works" are yet to be done? How still is still? Is this more than physical? I like to dive into the roots of things even though I don't consider myself a gardner. I do enjoy a deep exploration of a matter. I love to get understanding. It is part of how He wired me. Curious and exploratory,I love to learn,so follow my trail if you will.

BE STILL can mean...

TO BE STILL can also mean "BE AT PEACE"; cease from activity and striving, externally AND internally!

HARMONY is another word for Peace. To be in IN Peace or to be IN Harmony...what does that look like?

What does that feel like?

Harmony reminds me of ATTUNEMENT or HARMONIZING. When voices harmonize they become blended and sound as if they are one, they coordinate and take on a richness of depth and texture. They sound synchronized. It is beautiful!

To SYNCHRONIZE can mean to align with or to agree with.


When God says BE STILL, what I hear is STOP! STOP what you are currently doing,thinking, believing!

And then when He says, "AND KNOW that I am God," I realize that He is saying more than one thing. I believe He is saying,KNOW ME, BELIEVE ME and COME INTO AGREEMENT ME;even EXPERIENCE ME!

He wants you and I to KNOW Him.

He wants us to KNOW Him in an intimate relationship. He invites us To KNOW Him IN Peace and STILLNESS.


PEACE is a place in Him. His Peace is Perfect and lacks nothing,it is beyond our understanding. HE IS PEACE! You can come to a place in relationship in Him where you freely desire to lay down and cast off all your own ways. It is a place of becoming ONE with Him,harmonizing with Him, syncing with Him, ATTUNING with Him,even "vibrating" with Him.


How do we do this?

We start with our own stillness and then we YIELD!We yield to His process of His fine tuning and reformation within us.

We yield our own understanding and reasonings, yield our thinking and our beliefs.(His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.) We yield our emotions and our memories. (He knows our thoughts even before we do.He makes beauty from ashes.)

We yield our eyes and ears and hearts and bodies to align with His purposes and designs. (We are His workmanship created for His good works and for His pleasure.)

We yield our own ambitions and even our own plans.(His plans are always better.)

We BEHOLD what He desires. (HE IS LOVE.There is nothing to fear IN HIM!)

We FOCUS on His Heart and His WORD and His VOICE. (This is where transformation in us takes root.)

As we yield and posture ourselves to BE STILL before Him and IN HIM, we WILL KNOW HIM.

What an invitation! What an opportunity! What a life! Do YOU know The One who knows your life from end to beginning? Will you yield,be still and know Him as your God? Isn't it time to LIVE ALIVE? Tell Him today: "I want to know You God, I yield my life to know You!"


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