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  • jgamroth

KEYS of Substance

SUDDENLY… while I was standing at the kitchen sink, washing some dishes, I heard from within my spirit :



Just as suddenly, I saw a key that was really small and it was being positioned to go into a lock in a door. The key didn’t look that remarkable but somehow I just knew, that it was made of a precious "heavenly material.” Even though this key appeared small and lightweight, I could tell that it was precisely made and that it was very strong! When inserted into a lock, it would easily turn almost any door from locked to opened. I understood that this small key was even able to open even big doors and places in the spirit realm that looked intimidating only because it was a key made of FAITH IN THE LORD HIMSELF!

The vision shifted and I looked again. I saw another key. This one was large and impressive looking, but when one would go to insert it into the lock, it would become flimsy and it would not engage with the internal combination that was necessary to unlock the door. It was weak and I could see that the one that held that type of key would become increasingly frustrated with each effort to open the desired door. The substance that this key was made with was not heavenly but earthly. I pondered how many keys do we have in our possession that aren't made for the doors we want to have opened? (Selah.)

T H E T R I A L S that F O R M

In this life we will all experience trials and struggles, locked doors and places that we know we are to enter into but they seem to be somewhat inaccessible. However, those very trials can be like a refining fire that can be used for good to strengthen us, IF we yield and follow the instruction from the Lord. There is a way that seems right to many of us when we are trying to move forward, but what seems right is not always best. We need His wisdom to know what is ours to go through and endure and what is not. He is with you to guide you. Hard times and even seemingly unsuccessful attempts to advance on our life paths can be the very thing that helps contribute to what our "keys" are made of. HOW you respond to challenges will help to create the substance of your faith and of your “keys."

T H E F I R E that H E L P S

There are different types of fire that the Lord will use in our lives even if He is not the author of every trial. He wastes no opportunity to help us, His ability to create something good within every circumstance is beyond our understanding, even if we don’t have that perspective at the time. A few “fires” to be aware of are: The FIRE of SUFFERING that brings a fellowship and intimacy with Jesus that we would not have formed in us in any other way. The FIRE of PURIFICATION where selfish, prideful motivators and pathways are exposed and being burned up through trials and pressures that make us come to the end of ourselves. The FIRE of His LOVE where you become so overwhelmed with His character, His passions and His goodness that you want for nothing else but to be ONE with Him. His Love is very addictive and is often poured out in combination with the other types of fire. His Love sustains us and transforms us from the inside out. In all of these fires, yielding and trusting in Him through the process is another component to the key that can be formed in relationship with Him.


There is an open invitation to always draw close to the One who will pour out His oil (His Anointing, His Strength, His Love) from His Spirit on you and in you. He won’t stop pouring out this “life giving oil” over you as long as your hunger and your thirst for Him remains. He is our source of everything we need. Giving Him full access to every chamber of your heart or your spirit and giving Him access to every part of your soul (your mindsets, your desires, your emotions, your heart wounds and memories) is CRUCIAL to Him for forming you into who you were created to be. Through the yielding and the trusting YOU can actually become a KEY IN HIS HAND. Y O U A R E A K E Y.

God wants to direct and show you how to see like He sees. He created your heart to be in harmony with His. He wants to reveal Himself to you and through you so others can see His unique expression of who He is through you. He wants you to be living your very best life, full of joy and hope and love. Yes, YOU can hold the keys of the kingdom of God in your hand, as the scriptures tell us. The exciting thing is that YOU also can BECOME A KEY IN HIS HAND!

(Selah.) How will you partner with Him today to unlock some things in the world around you? How will you let Him form His “faith substance" in you? ~ Jane


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