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  • jgamroth

Nothing in Life is Random


It may seem like life is mostly random but what if it is more about perspective than chance?

I have been thinking about what some call the "butterfly effect."

Collins dictionary defines the butterfly effect as:

"The idea, used in chaos theory, that a very small difference in the initial state of a physical system can make a significant difference to the state at some later time. It is from the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world might ultimately cause a hurricane in another part of the world ."

THAT is a powerful image!

If a butterfly's wings flapping can have that effect somewhere across the world- what effect are YOU having with your life movements?


What if, you could see how things are unfolding, from the point of view of the future looking back to now, would you make a different choice?

What if choosing "differently,"impacted another life area that you didn't realize was connected and now there is a different outcome forming in that area?

How can we possibly know if we are making the right decisions?


Some of us like to be "in the know." We want to know that we are in control. When we can't seem to figure something out, we try even harder to make sure we are doing everything we know to do to try and control the outcome. Most of us don't like the thought that maybe we are not in control at all!

Have you heard the saying, "If it is to be, it is up to me"?

Some people live their life under that mantra. It drives them. It compels them. It is how they believe success will be theirs.

Hmmm.... so if our definition of success is based on our efforts alone does that mean that all the "bad" stuff is also a result of our own doing? Or is that part random?


I believe that The One who knows all and sees all, Who "holds all things together by the Word of His Power,*"can take all the seemingly "random" things in life and somehow weave them all together, to create a Beauty that wouldn't be seen otherwise.

Even the most horrible things that happen, do not limit God. His desire is for your prosperity in every area of life and not for your harm** and He is willing to work with and through all things with you.


There is much that we don't see or understand "the how of or the why of" in any given moment of time.

Our perspective is somewhat limited. We usually only perceive our own portion of what is presently going on and even of what has happened in the past.

Add to that the fact that each of us process life uniquely, through our own experiences and formed beliefs. We also process uniquely because of God's design. He has formed each of us with a certain bent in our mental wiring. Some of us are quite logical and some of us are more abstract. Some process internally by pondering and thinking deeply. Others need to process externally in open discussion. I am kind of excited by those differences, it can make relating with others interesting.


When we slow down and put our old habitual ways of thinking on hold, stop trying to control everything and ask HIM what He thinks instead, our understanding often opens up and the very thing we were seeking is found in Him. There is a freedom and a relief in realizing that you or I don't have to try and control everything. Not everything is up to me! It isn't all up to you either!

We can align with God's higher ways of thinking; the Mind of Christ is accessible. God, The Father, delights in sharing His viewpoint with us when we seek Him with a humble heart.

God's creativity is so beyond anything we can imagine and THAT may be why we may not recognize those so called RANDOM things that come our way in life.

We haven't always realized that THIS, was because of THAT, and THAT will enable us to take part in SUCH and SUCH. We don't always comprehend that He wastes nothing. He uses EVERYTHING to form us. We can choose to place our faith in Him and join in His process or we can continue to try and do things our own way and see how far that gets us.

Something else to consider is that we don't live as independently in this world as we sometimes think we do. God will use others to affect our lives.

Your life has a ripple effect. My life has a ripple effect. We affect each other.


There is an open invitation to engage The Great Creator in everyday life circumstances.

God is interested in life's little details, as well as in the grander things. In relationship with Him, is where we can see ourselves move from a life of "hit and miss randomness" and into a life of purpose filled destiny.

In God's presence there is fullness of Joy. He delights in showing each of us His path in life. In a personal relationship with Him there are pleasures and discoveries that we haven't even imagined.***

Questions to consider answering:

How are you going to engage God today in your circumstances?

How does it feel to know that YOUR life has a ripple effect on others?

How are you processing your past and present? What hopes do you have for your future?

Encouraging you to Live Alive!


(*Hebrews 1:3; ** Jeremiah 29:11 1:3; ***Psalm 16:11,Ephesians 3:20)


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