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  • jgamroth

The Power in the Pauses...

"There is power in the pauses..." I started saying that for a few years ago to myself and then to others. That phrase comes back to me again and again at certain times of reflection.

Usually it wafts back when I am pondering how something might turn out, wondering if will it turn out like I hope.

Just recently I was talking to Jesus about a situation and asking Him how was it going to resolve; asking WHEN it will be finished. I wanted all the details.

I usually hear a response almost immediately to my questions. We talk often. We do have some great conversations.

Every once in a while though, it seems like He is not answering me right away.

I find myself waiting and waiting and trying to not tune into the sound of "crickets"in the silence.

It is then that I have to remind myself to be patient in the waiting. To value the pause.

What I am finding in the waiting, in the quiet to hear Him respond, is that it is building expectation. The pause is heightening the desire to hear His voice.

What might this mean for you?

The quiet between the question and the answer does not necessarily mean that He is not hearing you or choosing not to respond to you.

He actually may just be waiting for your full attention.

He may be waiting for you to tune in with all of your senses and with all of your heart.

Fully present looks like... Think of two covenant lovers that are undeniably enraptured with each other.

There are times they communicate with their voices and there are times when they are just embracing, locking eyes and exchanging their breath. There can be such a sweet pause between the two that is SO INCREDIBLY FULL of presence where nothing is communicated with words.

It can be like that with you and Jesus.

Be Expectant...

When you experience the "pauses" between your question and His answer, REST in it.

Rest in the presence of the Lover of your soul.

He is the One who has known you even before you were formed in your mother's womb, according to Psalm 139.

He REALLY knows you!

He knows the deepest desires of your heart.

You can fully trust Him.

Honor the pauses between you and the Lord.

Allow yourself to become pregnant with the POWER that is in the pauses.

God has always "created" in the invisible before making something visible or tangible to us. Keep your whole being engaged with Him knowing that even in the PAUSES, He is with you still.

He wants you to have His answers more than you realize.

Jeremiah 33:3 New King James Version

‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

Psalm 40:1 The Passion Translation

'I waited and waited and waited some more, patiently, knowing God would come through for me. Then, at last, he bent down and listened to my cry.'


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