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  • jgamroth


Updated: Feb 9, 2020

IT IS TEMPTING... Today is January 1st, I know I don't have to tell you that. There are so many posts and greetings of Happy NEW year on social media and in text messages! There has been a ramp up since Christmas with people discussing New Year's plans. In all the hope and expectation of ending the old and entering the new,for some, that can be overwhelming. We would love to be able to just close the door on the past and move on like nothing happened or believe that we don't have to deal with it. However, some things won't just go away like that.

THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENS TO EVERYONE. If I drop a glass full of red grape juice on the tile floor and the glass smashes into oodles of pieces and the juice goes all over the walls and onto the nearby rug and under the table, albeit tempting,it wouldn't be wise to just walk away, especially if you are in bare feet. Someone, maybe even you, could get their feet cut on those broken pieces of glass, some of which are so small they aren't easily seen, until you step on them. That juice will track once it is on your feet too, creating more evidence that there has been a bit of an accident. I know when I have had this happen at home, I usually call out for help, telling that someone to put some shoes on so they don't get hurt while they help me clean up my mess.

THERE IS A METHOD TO THE CLEAN UP. Picking up the obviously big chunks of glass and placing them in a bowl, dabbing at the majority of the impact zone with wadded up paper towels and then maybe more paper towels dampened with water and then tip toeing out from that place and surveying at eye level to see if you got all the pieces picked up. It all takes time and effort, usually at an inconvenient time too. Then there is the effect of the red juice that you may have to deal with.If it has stained anything in the vicinity when the incident happened, there is a reminder every time you look at it of the incident.

LIFE CAN BE LIKE THAT. Something happens that you did NOT plan on. An accident, a tragedy, a shock... IT WASN'T PLANNED FOR, WASN'T EXPECTED AND WASN'T WANTED but deal with it you must. I guess walking away IS an option, one could let someone else deal with the mess but the fact that it happened can not be changed. CALLING OUT FOR HELP can make the clean up a little easier and the repair may be a bit less burdensome if someone is helping you with it. The "stains" may remain for awhile on the "nearby" things ,there can be a sense of loss and even regret but you can decide what to do with that too. IT IS TEMPTING to just walk away from the last year or season and try and not think about it or not want to deal with hard things, things that maybe you didn't deserve. Walking away or just closing the door,that is an option,but what if.

What if you took on the unexpected, unplanned for, unwanted consequences, you called out for help and took the time needed to restore the situation as best as you are able to? This isn't to say that EVERY situation must be remained in if the "staying" puts one in danger, some things must be processed from a safe distance,however, a shift in perspective can make a great impact in your ability to move into something new with greater wisdom. What if you became stronger or more compassionate with others and with yourself as you WENT THROUGH the process?

YOUR WHO CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR WHAT. Going into this new year, who have you got with you? Who do you want to invite into your sphere to do life with? Who do you need to let go of? How can you go forward with the energy and strength you need to able to handle the unexpected that will come?

IF YOU KNEW, you had done all that you could to clean up and deal with the messes that impact your life, how would that feel going forward? Each day God gives us fresh grace (enablement through His strength) to take on what we need to. He is faithful to help us, to guide us, to comfort us and often it will come through other people that He is inspiring to be His hands and feet. You ARE loved and you ARE accepted by Him!

IT IS A NEW YEAR,A NEW DAY, A NEW MOMENT, how will you respond?

How will you LIVE ALIVE to the opportunities before you? ~Jane


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