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  • jgamroth

What is YOUR Dream?

When I hear someone say that they don’t have a dream, I am skeptical.

I am skeptical because I believe that EVERY person has at least one dream within them.

I am not primarily talking about the night dreams that we all have, although even those types of visions and musings can be connected to this “other kind” of dream.

The kind of dream I am talking about is that deep longing or idea that never leaves you. When you think of it, your emotions get stirred, your heart pounds a bit faster, maybe the thought of it even keeps you awake at night. Your mind likes to imagine the possibilities of it.

This kind of dream is what makes you feel alive.

Have you ever asked a young child what they want to be when they grow up?

They will often answer that question in the most grandiose ways. They usually don’t put any limitations on their imagination of what they “see” themselves becoming when they grow up.

Some of the really keen ones don’t even stop at one thing that they want to be. I remember one little boy who said he wanted to be firefighter, a policeman, and have a puppy farm.

One little girl dreamed of being a teacher, a ballet dancer, a mom and a race car driver.

I know when I was in elementary school, I dreamed of having a large horse ranch, being a veterinarian, along with being a fashion designer and a famous artist and a children’s story book writer.

I believe that there are some deep dreams that are put in to the core of our being even before we were born.

Psalm 139:13-16 tells of how Our Creator formed us with great intentionality:

… “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body

    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,

    as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

You saw me before I was born.

    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid out

    before a single day had passed….”

Our God, has a wonderful plan for each of us individually, a purpose and a calling. The very fact that you were conceived and born is evidence that you are a part of His dream for the world.

YES, YOU are part of God’s plan for the world. YOU are His very good idea!

He is the Master of causing “ALL things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.” (Romans 8:28)

So even if, sometimes you feel like you are stumbling around in the dark trying to find your way in life, you can know for sure that He is on your side. He has put a dream within you. He knows the plans that He has for you, and they are good plans, (see Jeremiah 29:11)

Do you know what your God given dream is yet?

Discover Your Dream

God loves to work through people and even through circumstances to bring us to places of discovery. He delights in seeing us explore and uncover hidden treasures and mysteries.

Surprisingly, I have discovered that some of the most difficult things that I have gone through in my life, are the things I am now most thankful for. I have seen them being redeemed for the dreams and plans that God has for me and through me.

Looking back on them, I can now see that without those experiences I would not be the person I am today. I needed some of those types of trials to shape me in my character. They have given me the gift of compassion and empathy for others that are going through challenges themselves.

I can now come alongside others to encourage them and share wisdom so that they too can overcome certain things. It creates a ripple effect, if we let it, to be able to bless others.


In the book of James 1:2-4 it says:

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

I assure you that God doesn’t let anything in our lives go to waste. If we will not lean on our own understanding and if we will lean into Him and trust Him, He will lead us in the way everlasting. He will illuminate our path out of the valleys, He is with us and He is for us.

(Proverbs 3;5-7;Psalm 139:23-24;Psalm 119 :105; Psalm 23)

In my own experience, I have found that I may not always understand “the why” of what is happening or what is next but I KNOW that because Holy Spirit is with me and that He knows the end from the beginning , that I can “rest in His Peace.”

You are free to dream knowing that He is great at gentle course corrections if you go a bit astray, He is great at redirecting and standing by to help as you discover new ways of being and doing.He is the best Encourager and the best Comforter.

If you are not sure what the next step is regarding your dreams, I invite you to ponder and journal with Holy Spirit on any of the following questions.

What did I want to be when I was little and why?

What about that little child dream still appeals to me?

What are the common links in my childhood dreams to the opportunities before me now?

What do I feel drawn to? What makes me feel alive inside?

What has stopped me from exploring or pursuing the big dreams within me?

How can the life experiences that I have had thus far be part of a bigger picture? What I have gained or realized? How could those experiences help me as I go forward?

If I knew I couldn’t really miss it, how motivated would I be to more forward in setting some goals towards my dream?

Who can I talk to or partner with to explore next steps towards realizing my dream?

How could a personal Christian Life Coach benefit my journey?

Are you looking for a "Dream” Partner?

Dear reader, this is what I enjoy doing. I love coming alongside people in conversation, to help them explore their God given dreams. Together, with Holy Spirit, we can celebrate discovery and map out a plan to see your dreams become reality. Let’s bring those dreams to life so you can LIVE ALIVE!



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